Se hai riscontrato questo problema durante la fase di installazione di un sistema Windows OEM brandizzato HP bios locked su ESXi o Hyper-V questa e’ la soluzione estratta da un documento ufficiale HP :

51. Why do I get a system not supported message when trying to install HP OEM Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server

2012, or Windows Server 2012 R2 media on top of Microsoft Hyper-V when it is running on a non-HP-branded host OS? The necessary manufacturer strings have not been inserted into the Hyper-V product to allow the installation of HP-branded media. You will need to run the following command from the command prompt (including spaces):

Reg Add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization /v BiosLockString /t REG_SZ /d Hewlett-Packard

52. Why do I get a system not supported message when I try to install HP OEM media on top of VMware?

To allow the HP OEM media to detect that it’s being installed on HP hardware, you will need to add the following configuration line to the VM configuration file:


fonte : HP FAQ for Microsoft OEM licensing”Windows Server

Written by Alberico Schiappa

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